Rapid loss of fat will greatly reduce a person’s leptin level. Ultimately this will lower a person’s basil metabolic rate, which is counterproductive to weight loss.

Learn about Leptin
Leptin is a satiety hormone. It tells our brain we are full. Similar to Type 2 Diabetes, we can become leptin insensitive. Certain chemicals like high fructose corn syrup interfere with our ability to know when to stop eating. We therefore create a vicious cycle if we keep eating unhealthy food.
Consider eating more fish or taking Omega 3 oil
Omega 3s redirect where fat is broken down within a cell. It seems counterproductive but Omega 3s redirect fat to be broken down by a less efficient organelle: the benefit in doing so is more energy has to be expended to break down the fat. Choose a high-quality fish oil to ensure the oil is well preserved and offers you the most benefits. Cold pressed prevents oxidization and those gross fish burps!
Mix up your lettuce
If you’re partial to sweet or iceberg lettuce, pick up a package of a more colourful leaf (spinach, red leaf, etc.) and throw a handful in next time you are preparing a salad. You probably won’t even notice it is there but the darker greens will provide many more vitamins and minerals.
Practice curiosity
We’ve all heard Einstein’s quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. To be different (weight loss) we need to choose differently (lifestyle and diet).
Also, when a person actively chooses to remain curious about something new, they are creating an opportunity to experience joy. Trying a new soup on a menu might be so delicious that you decide to replace your Friday night pizza routine. By asking yourself, “I wonder how this will taste?” or “I wonder what this will be like?” we remove any preconceived notions.
Recognise nutrition is not ‘a one size fits all’ plan
Your body shape is different from your partner’s, you metabolise food differently than your neighbour, and you even detox in a completely different way than your grandparents. So, if something is not working, don’t beat yourself up about it.
Seek science-backed research and make informed decisions about your nutritional choice. If you are unsure who to trust, Nutripanda is here to bring clarity and advice.
Check out our events or book a FREE pre-consultation with Dr Gregorio Torchia today.