Prevention is the best and most effective way to work against extrinsic skin ageing effects.

The best prevention strategy against the harmful action of free radicals is a well-regulated lifestyle. This should incorporate a balanced nutritional diet, including anti-oxidative rich food, physical exercise, a good skin care routine and low stress conditions.
There are some frequently researched antioxidants such as carotenoids, tocopherols and polyphenols and flavonoids, vitamins (A,C,D,E), essential omega-3-fatty acids, some proteins and lactobacilli that are associated with promoting skin health and beauty.
Vitamin C (also L-ascorbic acid) can be used orally and topically to benefit skin ageing. It is not naturally synthesised by the human body therefore an adequate dietary intake of Vitamin C is required and essential for a healthy diet. The richest natural sources are from fresh fruit and vegetables like citrus fruits, blackcurrants, rosehip, guava, chilli pepper and parsley. A deficiency in Vitamin C is known to cause scurvy, skin lesions, gum bleeding, ease of developing bruises and slow wound healing.
Vitamin E complex is a group of 8 compounds called tocopherols which is a fat-soluble membrane bound antioxidant and free-radical scavenger. Like Vitamin C it is a naturally occurring endogenous non-enzymatic antioxidant.
Vitamin A derivatives like beta-Carotene, lycopene and retinol are highly effective antioxidants and documented to possess photoprotective properties. Good sources of beta-Carotene are carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mangoes and papaya.
Vitamin D acts as a pro-hormone and the body can synthesise it itself through sun exposure. It is an essential factor to reduce anti-oxidant stress to a cellular level. Small amounts of Vitamin D2 and D3 come from dietary intake of animal-based foods like fatty fish and egg yolk. Some products such as milk, cereals and margarine are enriched with Vitamin D.
For further information about diets that can help improve your skin see our previous blogs; Food for clear skin, Considering coconut oil, Anti Ageing diet and coming soon the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and The Beauty of Olive Oil to read about its multiple properties and how it can help your skin, hair and nails.
If you are suffering from any skin conditions for example eczema, rosacea, acne or psoriasis then we could address this by looking at your diet. Please Contact Us to book a FREE Pre-Consultation.